From Abstract to Reality: Step Three – VISION

Life Concepts - Career Advice

From Abstract to Reality: Step Three – Vision

From Abstract to Reality: Step 3 – Career Vision There is a major difference between a Dream and a Vision. In this video, using my own story, I will put Vision in context with the other Steps in the Series and specifically identify what Vision actually is.

From Abstract to Reality: Step Two- DREAMS Transcript

From Abstract to Reality: Step 3 – Career Vision There is a major difference between a Dream and a Vision. In this video, using my own story, I will put Vision in context with the other Steps in the Series and specifically identify what Vision actually is.

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Well Hello! Murray Comber here again with another career chat.

Today, ‘From Abstract to Reality: Step Three – Career Vision’.

In terms of your career, are you feeling internally empty? If so, your direction is probably in confusion, lacking substance, perhaps even leaving you with a sense of inner void. If that’s the case, that’s what I mean by the ‘Career Abstract’ and that is where the series begins…From Abstract to Reality with Four Steps in Between.

Those steps we talked about…

#1 was Wonder

Wonder ‘Illuminates’ like bright shining stars in the dark sky, each one of the possible opportunities you see for a career is a bright shining star that glows and you pick up on it.

Step #2

Those things that you pick up become dreams and dreams ‘Anticipate’, they create anticipation when you latch onto the brightest possibilities that you identify. This leads us to today’s lesson.

Step #3 – Vision

Vision ‘Motivates’. When you explore and create a plan and pursue one or more of those potential careers, you’re in the visionary process.

Metaphorically Speaking

Well wonder is the bridge between ‘Abstract & Dreams’. Similarly dreams are the bridge between ‘Wonder & Vision’. So then what is career vision? Let me illustrate by using my own personal story.
I remember when I was in the process of career counseling. I was in the wondering stage grasping for some direction and out of that vast cosmos of wonder I would think of the target a few of the bright stars, those dreams and here are few as an example

  1. Given my interest in both music and working with my hands and tools, out of my world of wonder, Piano Rebuilding and Tuning became one of my dreams. I could have been very comfortable with that but, that one didn’t stick.
  2. Also, with my experiences of pastor with marriage counseling and working with many marriages and families, I knew that finances were a major issue in those relationships. Marriage Counseling built on a Financial Platform was another dream that I had. And I could have really enjoyed that one. Helping people get through; understand their finances but, that didn’t stick either.
  3. Neither of those dreams were my brightest star but, with my passion when we identified it for what people did with their lives combined with my long-term, since a teenager, interest in assessments, sitting with my career counsellor, knowing what she was doing, Career Counseling captivated me. It was a dream that I could latch onto. Something that had substance and frankly it blew past the others and within months I was in formal training.

So, my dream…between the dream and the formal training was this visionary process.

From Dreams to Visions. What’s that?

Out of my wonder I identified several doable dreams. One of those dreams became a vision. It became a vision when I when I created the path and make it a reality. You see, a vision involves a plan of steps that motivates you to take your dream from where you are to where you eventually want it to take you…where you want to be.
Mine involved several steps both practical and psychological.

Here are a few of my Practical Ones.

 My Family

Getting my family on board. I had a wife and two children. I wanted to make sure that they were on this journey with me.

The Application

To go to college to be conceptually approved, all the paperwork. Then finally…

The Interview

The process of formal acceptance where I had to sit in front of people. And they talked to me about what I would be doing as a career consultant. Then once approved, because I was accepted…

The Financial Arrangements

It had to be paid for somehow. And there was something called


You see the college I was going to was two hours away from home and required four days a week away from my family. And so I had to arrange for the accommodation and the transportation back and forth.

Now let’s look at a couple of Psychological Ones.

Personal Realignment

Dealing with the concept of a career shift. For anyone its huge. it was with me. Also just…

Raw Emotion

From me, mine was the fear of returning to school as an adult, and that really affected me emotionally

Because you see, when Inner Values caused me to move away from what I was doing, I left the reality of the familiar into nothingness. I didn’t know what I was going to be doing.

And that was ‘My Abstract’.

And when that happened, with the help of a career counselor…

  • We walked through the overwhelming vastness of wonder then,
  • She helped me birth the dream that I identified then,
  • Together we shape the vision.

We shaped the vision…the road map to follow, to allow my new life to unfold.

What then is vision?


  • Wonder Illuminates
  • Dreams Anticipate
  • Vision Motivates

A Vision is a Dream into which you design a plan of attack to make your Dream actually happen.

  • Once you start on that journey
  • Once you begin to activate the plan
  • It leaves vision and becomes your next step…


What does a Mission do?

A Mission ‘Activates’ and

That’s the final step…

Step #4 in the Abstract to Reality Series.

We’re going to be dealing with Step 4 in the next video. I hope to see you there.

Hopefully, my story will help you to create yours; create some anticipation motivation within you.

Do you want to catch all of these videos? If you haven’t seen the Abstract to Reality series, you’ll be able to catch where to see those on the end screen of this video in just a few seconds.

I invite you to join me also join me in the next video…Step #4, Mission

Talk to you again soon.

Have a great day.

Bye for now

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